It seems we've reached a point where families face a lot of abuse
in Ontario, Canada, hence the Family Aid Society.
The Mielke family case
from July 2000 involved separation of a family
of nine children, and months of legal trouble based on a "dirty house."
More recently, on July 4, 2001, the "Children's Aid Society" (CAS) with the help of the police confiscated
the children of a happy Church of God family becase the Christian parents
would not promise to never spank their children. For details see the article by
the Globe and Mail
Breaking News ... July 16, 2001 01:36:00
I just received this news update by phone from a friend who visited the Aylmer
congregation this evening. Weight this information as you would honest 3rd-hand
verbal communication:
Besides kidnapping the seven children of one family on July 4th, the Children's Aid
Society was investigating another
family. To avoid
further risk of losing their children most families of this Church of God congregation
decided to flee. So far 26 mothers and 74 children have fled to Germany [apparently it was
speculation that they fled to Germany; the July 17th
National Post says they
fled to the United States and Mexico -ed], while the men
continue their jobs here.
The National Post was investigating this story on July 15th, and it
has been written up in the July 16th article
100 flee after kids seized: pastor
July 15th
National Post coverage reads, "A court ruled last week that
the children must remain in the custody of the children's Aid Society
for now, but with supervised visits from their parents. The family is
due back in court July 26." This is a ridiculously long time for a family
to be legally separated over the "possibility of spanking." Officials
seem impervious to the obvious abuse to this family by CAS, the courts
and the police.
But the event of 26 exemplary Christian families fleeing can hardly be ignored by
government and CAS officials. Let us pray that the news coverage will be accurate,
and forceful. May God use these developments to highlight the severe injustice of
the July 4th kidnapping, and to bring the original family back together.
Update ... July 19, 2001 00:50:00
The July 17th
National Post story is rather disappointing. It suggests
that the fact parents are fleeing is an admission of guilt.
On the contrary, avoidance of oppression is an admission of
state tyranny which says spanking is a crime.
The closing quote of the July 16th National Post article (
100 flee after kids seized: pastor) reveals what is at stake:
"The two sides in the debate - organized religion and society's interest in
the safety of its children - will likely forever be at odds..."
[emphasis added -ed] Most university-trained
people believe collective society owns your children. So they want to
impose their creed which says children are innocent; any bad things
they do are the fault of their environment (i.e., "parental violence", etc.).
However, the Bible gives parents the primary authority to
discipline, train and mold children. Parents are duty-bound before God
to drive inherent rebellion
out of their children, using the rod with loving severity when necessary. The state
must respect a broad freedom allowing the
family to exercise "reasonable" discipline within its domain.
Related Web Links
News Archive - Summary of Online News Sources
Their young faces have been obscured for their protection, but through the blur, the looks of
anguish are unmistakable.
Open this page for find a wealth of
links and articles documenting CAS abuse:
Children's Aid - Judicial Disasters - Social Engineering